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Crackitt Guest Post Guidelines

Mobile Audience GIF by Crackitt

We like well-researched articles that cover insights, processes or framework to unlock engagement and conversions. Mail us your awesome guest post topic ideas or draft at [email protected]

Quality Guidelines

We are looking for guest post articles that would offer valuable insights to our readers. Your posts should be comprehensive, driven by data, statistics, studies, experiments, research or experience. Deep dive into the details so that it is easier for the readers to replicate or digest the process and insights you offer.

Key requirements you need to follow for every post you write for us:

1) Including Links

  • Whenever you include a statistic or a claim, it is mandatory that you hyperlink it to a reputed website to substantiate the claim

2) Including pictures/ videos/ gifs

  • We have to make the article as interactive as possible. Therefore, please include visuals and their sources as often as possible/required
  • The cover image will be handled by the team in-house. So please don’t spend time on that

3) The article should be well researched, insightful and actionable

  • Please add relevant case studies or explore success stories to support your points
  • Since most readers skim articles, it would be great if you can add a key takeaway after each pointer

4) Length

  • The word count of the article should be minimum 1200-1500 words.
  • Longer, comprehensive articles and guides are also most welcome.

Article Topics We Love

All articles submitted to Crackitt need to explore or be relevant to visual content marketing. Talk about videos, images, infographics, graphic banners used on landing pages, or video ads, logos and posters.

We have jotted down the following categories that would help you come up with a topic:

  • Visual Content Marketing
  • Design Thinking & Conversion
  • Social Media Visual Marketing
  • Video & Graphic Ad Optimisation

We also welcome case studies, surveys, new developments or unique findings related to visual marketing realm.

While we are inclined towards specific marketing tactics, we also keep an open eye for any topics that marketers care about including customer retention, leadership, collaboration and creative solutions. Again, these topics should have the “visual content” factor.

If you have anything in mind that does not match any of the above categories, don’t hesitate to share your idea with us. We will happily look into it and let you know if it is suitable for our blog and audience- marketers, startup and SMB entrepreneurs.

The “Courtesy” Rules

  • The article should completely be your own authorship. We will not be publishing any articles which are copied from third parties or are already published elsewhere.
  • If you refer to any study or use any material that was already posted by others, the source should be appropriately cited. Obtain the permission to use any copyrighted image and accordingly; cite the source of the same.
  • The focus of the article should be on learning and not on commercial promotion. Therefore, any external links to other products and services should only be used for the purpose of illustrating a specific point in your content plan.

What your articles should look like?


Use short sentences, short paragraphs, bullet points, subheadings, bullet lists and creatively tailored titles.


All we request is that you make the article nice and engaging to read. We don’t mind a little bit of humour. Do please avoid being too technical or using heavy jargon unless the context demands it.


You can use screenshots for illustrative purposes. Images and Infographics are always a plus point! If you’re not using your material, please be very sure that you have the right to use these images.


You are free to include any links, but they must be non-promotional and relevant to the post. You can link to your own site or a client’s site in your post, provided it supports the topic.


  • Guest posts which are submitted to us shouldn’t be republished anywhere afterwards.
  • The Crackitt blogging team reserves the right to edit and adapt your guest blog content as we see fit, and update it in the future for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Your Author Bio

Yes, the important part! Send this along with your article draft.

  • Your full name
  • A picture of you (200px by 200px) where your face can be clearly seen, in JPG or PNG format. 
  • A small description of yourself in around 200 characters. Share your current occupation and interests with us. You are free to include a link to your company as well.
  • Your Social media channels URLs. This could be Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google +. It is totally your call if you want to send one or all of them.

How do you submit your article?

You can submit your articles in a Word Doc file or Google Doc link to [email protected]. Please make a folder of the images you have used in the article, and share that over the mail too.

We will review your article. If everything sounds good, we will give you the publishing date. Cheers!


Thought Associate @Crackitt




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