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4 Industries In Serious Need of More Visual Content

Visual content not only comes with variety, it also comes with the benefit of accessibility; since it isn’t limited to any industry, visual content can be used by any brand across any sector.

In fact, because of visuals’ ability to engage, their use is not just limited to website content but goes beyond to include social channels as well.

The fact is that all industries, irrespective of their nature, need visual content; some more than others. Here are 4 such industries which are in serious need of visuals:

Real estate

Real estate can benefit greatly from visual content. Because that is what their audience is looking for. As per HouseLens, 92% of buyers shop for homes online. And if you look at online engagement, visual definitely beats text.

But it is also crucial to factor the quality of your visuals when selling a property. While DIY visuals can be beneficial to your marketing strategy, professional shots can help you achieve more. In fact, HouseLens says that Homes marketed with professional photos sell up to $11,200 more than homes marketed with DIY photos.

Another way in which real estate can infuse visual content in their strategy is through explainer videos. Videos on landing pages can boost conversion rates and help the real estate industry in explaining the process to their users effectively. Here is one such video we created for Eazi:


If you look at online user behavior, you will see a constant rise in demand for videos. And this holds true for the health sector too.

A study by PwC reveals that 24% of people looking for healthcare information on social media channels now rely on images/videos posted by patients. The visual factor drastically improves the trust factor because people are able to visually see the process and the results. In fact, testimonial videos in the healthcare sector can be greatly beneficial in helping you win the viewer’s trust.

We created this explainer video for Happ to inform the audience about their app and how it works. More companies like Happ are turning to explainer videos to trigger app downloads, drive more engagement and build trust.

Healthcare sector is definitely in need of more visual content to meet the growing visual demand of its audience.

Banking & Finance

Remember the movie “The Big Short”? It was a huge success and even went on to win the — award. The movie plot was based on the Housing Market collapse and hence involved a lot of financial jargon. But the message was delivered effectively through visual explanation. We especially loved how they explained the concept of AA and AAA bonds:

The Big Short


The banking and finance industry has struggled with textual overflow of terminologies and their explanations which are sometimes too overwhelming for the reader. But visual content is slowly transforming the landscape.

Many banking and financial firms are turning to videos and infographics to reduce text fatigue and foster engagement. But there are many firms which are still shying away from visuals. For them, now is the time to embrace visual content.


You might be wondering as to how visuals fit in the heating, ventilation and air conditioning industry. Since the industry often faces a textual fatigue while explaining processes or giving DIY advice, the reliance on visual content formats has significantly increased.

With infographics, images, videos and even GIFs, HVAC companies can make their content much more useful by trimming down the complexity and improving the appeal. Here is an example:

Infographic by Crackitt


Closing thoughts

The ability of visuals to engage a wider audience and address the textual monotony is the reason why most industries are now shifting to visual content. And the shift is positive. With visuals coming into the picture, the time taken to engage the consumer at the different marketing levels has also reduced which means that marketing funnels have become more efficient with the introduction of visuals. These industries should welcome this change and gear up to create more visual content in future.


Content Strategist @ Crackitt


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